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By keeping these 10 important things in mind while traveling solo, you will remain safe

Solo traveling is always exciting, but it is most important to keep yourself safe. Let’s know 10 important things related to this.

Nowadays, educated and independent women have started liking solo traveling a lot. Traveling alone, seeing new places and gaining new experiences gives women a new thrill. But going out alone also poses many security challenges for women.

What do experts say

Popular travel writer and blogger Ragini Puri, who runs the website ‘From My Window Seat’, advises women , ‘Do not wear clothes that look gaudy or too different. Many women talk with sunglasses on or with too much pride, do not do this at all. Wherever you go to visit, try to mix with the culture there, be thankful to the people there for small things. Traveling alone is a big thing, do not take it lightly at all. If you go to new places, show the people in front that you know about that place. Do not show off expensive things like your iPhone and camera. This is because your such behavior can make the people there feel threatened by you or they can try to take advantage of you. If you remain polite, strangers can prove to be helpful in your time of need. If you are going to visit any city of Rajasthan, then wear clothes according to the culture there, do not wear hot pants or provocative clothes there at all. Do not be critical about anything. Things may seem different to you at the place you are going to, but people there have been living the same way for centuries, so live according to them. Also keep in mind that do not experiment at night. When you go out, people there come to know that a girl is looking for a hotel alone, so book your hotel in advance and check-in during the day. Wherever you go, adapt to the environment.

important things to remember to stay safe during solo travelling inside

If you like solo traveling and have a lot of new places on your bucket list, then while planning your vacation, keep these 10 important security related things in mind-

1. Do not keep money in one place

Do not keep your valuables like jewellery and cash at one place. Keep these things in different places like bags, inside pockets, jackets, socks, hip pockets etc. By doing this, in case of any unpleasant situation like robbery or theft, all your stuff will not be lost in one go and you will be able to save some things. If you want to keep your stuff safe, then you can get this lock at attractive prices while sitting at home. Techxy Heavy Metal Chain , whose MRP is ₹490.00, can be bought at just ₹245.00 under this attractive deal .

2. Travel solo but don’t mention it

While travelling alone, avoid saying publicly that you are travelling alone. If you are single, you can add Mrs. to your name while travelling, this will prevent outsiders from taking advantage of you in any way. Also, if people know that you are not alone, then the risk for you will also be reduced.

If you find yourself in any kind of unwanted situation then try to connect with the women around you.

important things to remember to stay safe during solo travelling inside

3. Do not look at the map again and again

While traveling alone, do not look at the map again and again, even if you are in a rental car. This indicates that you do not know much about that place. To know about the location and routes, you can take the help of GPS based apps like Google Maps etc. If you look at the map too much in front of others, someone may advise you to go in the wrong direction or may try to harm you.

4. Stay at reputed hotels

Do not compromise on your security by staying in cheap hotels . Stay in hotels which have a good safety record. Wherever you stay, give the details of the place to your family. This will increase your security cover.

5. Pretend you are married

Whether you want to book a hotel room or fill in any other details, make it clear that you are married. Put Mrs. before your name. This will keep away people who try to take advantage of being single.

important things to remember to stay safe during solo travelling inside

6. Keep a note of emergency numbers

Keep yourself prepared for any kind of emergency. It would be better to save all the important emergency numbers in your mobile or diary. This will help you to contact your loved ones immediately in case of any unwanted situation.

7. Be confident

When you go to visit any place, roam around with confidence. Do not let your body language show that you are new to that place. This will make the people around you feel that you keep coming and going to that place and are also familiar with that place, and your acquaintances also live in that city.

8. If you take a cab, tell the details in a smart way

To avoid any kind of unpleasant situation in the cab, call someone close to you and give him all the details of the cab while talking. Make sure that the driver is listening to you while you are sharing details related to the driver and the car.

9. It is better to reach the destination in the morning

Plan your trip in such a way that you reach your destination during the day. This will help you know more about the destination. If you reach at night, then use the hotel’s taxi service instead of hiring a taxi from outside . This is good for your safety. If you reach your destination before night, then nothing can be better than this.

10. Keep a safety kit with you

Wherever you go on a solo trip, keep pepper spray, a Swiss knife and a whistle with you. Having these items will make you feel confident. They are also very useful if the need arises to use them.



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